Ingleridge Estate
Ingleridge Estate home of beautiful views, Southern Cross Engines, Allis Chalmers and David Brown Tractors

Ingleridge Estate is the result of the hard work and dedication of the current owners Phil and Tanya
Ingleridge Estate is a museum of sorts containing many examples of the machinery used during the very early 20th century that enhanced people’s daily lives.
Collecting, restoring and showing antique stationary gasoline and diesel engines are one of Ingleridge Estates passions. Rare, vintage and classic engines used for agricultural machinery and commercial applications with pedigrees that dates back to 1910.
One such collection of Ingleridge Estate is the Southern Cross Engines from the Toowoomba Foundry in Toowoomba in Queensland Australia.
Southern Cross was a brand name developed by the Toowoomba Foundry for a range of products which included
Southern Cross Engines
Southern Cross Windmills
Southern Cross Agricultural Products
More information about Southern Cross Engines can be found in the Southern Cross section on the Ingleridge Estate web site
Allis Chalmers and David Brown tractors are also present at Ingleridge Estate.
David Brown Tractors were an English manufacturer of tractors and agricultural equipment amongst many other products.
More information about David Brown Tractors can be found in the David Brown section on the Ingleridge Estate web site
Were as Allis Chalmers produced mainly in America and grew to 2 Billion dollar corporation in the 1980,s
More information about Allis Chalmers Tractors can be found in the Allis Chalmers section on the Ingleridge Estate web site
You will also discover the magnificent views of Ingleridge Estate when you visit the Homestead section under Photo’s on the website